Access Consciousness Bars®
Take one full day Bars class and become an Access Bars®Practitioner.
Offer Access Bars sessions to clients, family, and friends.
Host Access Bars Gifting & Receiving Events where people come and trade sessions.
Access Body Processes®
Are you looking to learn a new body process?
The one day Access Body Process®Classes are an invitation to more ease, more gentleness, and more fun with your body.
What if your body was a compass or guide to the secrets, mysteries and magic of life?
The Access Hands-On Body Processes are a gentle hands on healing modality using processes designed to return our body to it’s original state of well being. These processes facilitate natural energies already existing within your body. They activate energies that allow the body to wake up, release judgments, points of view, and stuck holding patterns held in the body that create pain, discomfort, and "dis-ease".
They are a contribution not only to the person who is receiving the process but also to the person performing the process. When these processes are being run they create an energy that can be felt throughout the entire room. Imagine being in a class with multiple people gifting and receiving a given process at the same time?
Access Energetic Facelift™
Would you like to become an Access Energetic Facelift™ practitioner?
Would you like to change people’s lives and help them to enjoy their bodies?
All the while helping them feel and look younger?
Has the Access Facelift changed your life and body?
Would you like to share that?
Become an Access Facelift Practitioner in this fun, dynamic one day class!
As an Access Facelift Practitioner, you are able to offer private sessions as a practitioner.
Isagenix Health and Wellness:
Online health and wellness coaching. "AccessLife" is about making the choice to "Access" a healthier version of you, committing to yourself and making positive life changes. Giving you more “Access” to your life now and in the long run! How does it get better then that!? Im here to contribute to you and your goals! What else is possible beyond what you ever imagined with your health and wellness goals?